Intellectual Property

Offering Trademark & Copyright Services

We Protect Your Brand

The development, registration, protection, and enforcement of your intellectual property are absolutely critical for the success of your business. Emerging companies require robust intellectual property protection programs. ESQx works diligently to understand our clients’ unique business needs and assist with the negotiation, preparation, and enforcement of a variety of IP agreements including trademarks, copyrights, licensing, consulting, confidentiality, and joint venture agreements.

What We Do

Intellectual Property Services

Yes, we know there are some services online that will do many of these services for you. But why would you waste your time giving your business to a company who is probably going to outsource it to another country, screw it up, and never have a single attorney work on it? Do it right the first time and hire a lawyer. You’ll thank yourself later. 

  • Trademark
  • Copyright
  • SaaS and IoT Services
  • Technology and IP
  • Licensing Agreements
  • Software Development Agreements
  • Terms of Service and Privacy Policies
  • End User Agreements
  • Research and Development Joint Ventures
  • Technology Assignments and Sales
  • Master Services Agreements

We Safeguard Your Concept

What's a Trademark

A trademark is a word, symbol, or picture that a company uses to help consumers identify a company’s products or services and distinguish them from those of other companies. Included in the general category of trademarks are service marks, which are used to identify services as opposed to goods. Service marks are afforded the same protection as other types of trademarks.

It is important for small businesses to legally protect their branding efforts with a trademark so that other companies do not compete with the same idea or copy the same concept. An unregistered mark may still be protected under the premise of “first use,” but a much stronger legal position is created when a mark is registered on either the state or federal levels. 

A trademark attorney can successfully complete a trademark registration, providing the owner of record with legal protection against unauthorized use, known as trademark infringement.

Generally, the trademark registration process will take the following steps:

1. Define

First, we will define the format of your particular trademark. Is it a character mark, a design mark, a service mark, a sound mark, or something else? Precisely which goods or services will the mark protect?

2. Search

Next, we search the USPTO database to determine whether anyone is already claiming such a trademark right using a federal registration.

3. File

Lastly, we will define the basis for which the trademark will be filed. After that, we file the application with the USPTO and monitor it for updates.

We Protect Your Work

What's a Copyright?

Copyright is a form of intellectual property law protecting original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works. An experienced copyright attorney can help you successfully complete a copyright registration, thus providing you with protection and the ability to demand enforceable action against copyright infringement. ESQx is well prepared to advise, guide, and represent you in all areas of copyright law ranging from registration protection to infringement defense.

Generally, a copyright registration is a simple, quick, and inexpensive insurance policy for protecting your work. A copyright engagement typically consists of the of the following steps. First, we determine the proper classification of your filing and prepare the appropriate forms for submission. Next, we prepare the material being submitted for copyright. Then, we send all documents to U.S. Copyright Office in Washington, D.C. Finally, we follow up until the copyright is registered and delivered to the owner.

Copyright law protects works of art such as:



Sound Recordings


Computer Software


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